Business in Armenian

Doing business in Armenian is not easy. The below list with Armenian business terms can help you to get started. For even more Armenian vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Armenian at the end of the page.
Company Terms in Armenian
Office Words in Armenian
Devices in Armenian
Legal Terms in Armenian
Banking in Armenian

Company Terms in Armenian

company in Armenianընկերություն (ěngerutʿyun)
job in Armenianաշխատանք (ashkhadankʿ)
bank in Armenianբանկ (pang)
office in Armenianօֆիս (ōfis)
meeting room in Armenianհանդիպման սենյակ (hantibman senyag)
employee in Armenianաշխատող (ashkhadogh)
employer in Armenianգործատու (kordzadu)
staff in Armenianանձնակազմ (antsnagazm)
salary in Armenianաշխատավարձ (ashkhadavarts)
insurance in Armenianապահովագրություն (abahovakrutʿyun)
marketing in Armenianմարքեթինգ (markʿetʿink)
accounting in Armenianհաշվապահություն (hashvabahutʿyun)
tax in Armenianհարկ (harg)

Business in ArmenianYouTube

Office Words in Armenian

letter in Armenianնամակ (namag)
envelope in Armenianծրար (dzrar)
address in Armenianհասցե (hastsʿe)
zip code in Armenianփոստային ինդեքս (pʿosdayin intekʿs)
parcel in Armenianծանրոց (dzanrotsʿ)
fax in Armenianֆաքս (fakʿs)
text message in Armenianտեքստային հաղորդագրություն (dekʿsdayin haghortakrutʿyun)
projector in Armenianպրոյեկտոր (broyegdor)
folder in Armenianթղթապանակ (tʿghtʿabanag)
presentation in Armenianներկայացում (nergayatsʿum)

Devices in Armenian

laptop in Armenianդյուրակիր համակարգիչ (tyuragir hamagarkichʿ)
screen in Armenianէկրան (ēgran)
printer in Armenianտպիչ (dbichʿ)
scanner in Armenianսկաներ (sganer)
telephone in Armenianհեռախոս (heṛakhos)
USB stick in ArmenianUSB կրիչ (USB grichʿ)
hard drive in Armenianկոշտ սկավառակ (goshd sgavaṛag)
keyboard in Armenianստեղնաշար (sdeghnashar)
mouse in Armenianմկնիկ (mgnig)
server in Armenianսերվեր (server)

Legal Terms in Armenian

law in Armenianօրենք (ōrenkʿ)
fine in Armenianտուգանք (dukankʿ)
prison in Armenianբանտ (pand)
court in Armenianդատարան (tadaran)
jury in Armenianերդվյալ ատենակալներ (ertvyal adenagalner)
witness in Armenianվկա (vga)
defendant in Armenianամբաստանյալ (ampasdanyal)
evidence in Armenianապացույց (abatsʿuytsʿ)
fingerprint in Armenianմատնահետք (madnahedkʿ)
paragraph in Armenianպարբերություն (barperutʿyun)

Banking in Armenian

money in Armenianփող (pʿogh)
coin in Armenianմետաղադրամ (medaghatram)
note in Armenianթղթադրամ (tʿghtʿatram)
credit card in Armenianկրեդիտ քարտ (gretid kʿard)
cash machine in Armenianբանկոմատ (pangomad)
signature in Armenianստորագրություն (sdorakrutʿyun)
dollar in Armenianդոլար (tolar)
euro in Armenianեվրո (evro)
pound in Armenianֆունտ (fund)
bank account in Armenianբանկային հաշիվ (pangayin hashiv)
cheque in Armenianչեկ (chʿeg)
stock exchange in Armenianֆոնդային բորսա (fontayin porsa)

Business in Armenian

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Armenian Vocabulary Books

Learn Armenian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Armenian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Armenian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Armenian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Armenian Vocabulary Book

Armenian Vocabulary Book

This Armenian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Armenian Flashcards


Armenian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Armenian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Armenian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Armenian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources